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Communications competition

The communications presented at the Congress shall be entered into a competition to select the best three, unless the author of a communication makes a specific request not to participate. The winners shall receive a diploma indicating their position, and all three shall be published in the Journal of the Law of the Financial System.


The Congress shall give rise to three independent publications:

1st) The first of these publications shall be the minutes of the Congress. This will contain the text of all the presentations and communications received before the closing date. The minutes will have an ISBN, and the work it contains can therefore be cited as an academic merit, but it WILL NOT BE DISTRIBUTED to anyone who did not participate in the Congress. In order to be published in the minutes the text of all contributions must be submitted, in the format proposed by the organization, before the 24th of October.

2nd) The 3 communications to be awarded prizes by the Congress shall be published in the Journal of the Law of the Financial System.

3rd) A selection of the presentations and communications shall be published either in the book of the Congress or the JLFS.


The Communications may be on any topic related to the Law of the Financial System or environmental sustainability. Communications on the topic of sustainability (regardless of their specific connection to the financial system) shall be admitted up to the 15/11/2023. Communications that are unrelated to the topics covered by the Congress shall not be accepted.


The title and a summary of the communication should be received before 25/09/2023. Those accepted shall be announced on 02/10/2023.

In order to be included in the book of the minutes of the Congress, the text of the Communications must be received before the 24th of October and presented in the format proposed by the organizing committee. The Communications should not exceed 4 pages.

Authors who wish the full – text of their Communications to be included in the book of the Congress must send the text in Word and employ the system of citations indicated below. The text must not exceed 15 pages.

Those presenting their communications shall have 5 minutes to do so in front of the panel assigned to them. Power Points cannot be used as part of the Communication.


In order to be included in the minutes of the Congress the text of the Presentation must be received before the 24th of October and submitted in the format proposed by the organizing committee. The text should not exceed 4 pages.

Authors who wish the full text of their presentations to be published in the book of the Congress must submit them in Word and follow the system of citations indicated below. The full text must not exceed 30 pages.

Invited speakers shall have 20 minutes to make their presentations before the panel assigned to them. Power Point presentations shall be permitted and should be made available to the organizing committee before the commencement of the morning or afternoon session so that they can be installed in the corresponding computer.

The model for the book of the minutes of the Congress

Any material to be published in the book of the minutes of the Congress must adhere scrupulously to the following model.


Rules of style

All work submitted for publication must adhere to the following rules of style.



Professor of Commercial Law, The University of Valencia
Profesor of Commercial Law, The University of Valencia
Professor of Commercial Law, The University of Valencia
Senior Lecturer of Commercial Law, The University of Valencia
Scientific Committee
Profesora Ayudante Doctora, Universitat de València
Technical Secretary
Lecturer in Commercial Law, The University in Valencia
Technical Secretary
FPI Scholarship Holder, The University of Valencia
Abel B. Veiga Copo
Profesor Ordinario, Universidad Pontifica de Comillas
Scientific Committee
Agustín Madrid Parra
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Scientific Committee
Alan Lederman
Scientific Committee
Alberto Díaz Moreno
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad de Sevilla
Scientific Committee
Alberto J. Tapia Hermida
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Scientific Committee
Alejandro Aguilar Altamirano
Abogado (Nicaragua)
Scientific Committee
André Ramos Tavares
Catedrático de Direito Econômico e Economia Política da Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil)
Scientific Committee
Andrea Signorino Barbat
Directora Académica de Posgrado, Universidad de Montevideo (Uruguay)
Scientific Committee
Aurora Martínez Florez
Catedrática de Universidad, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Scientific Committee
Beatriz Belando Garin
Profesora Titular de Universidad, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee
David Ramos Muñoz
Profesor de Universidad, Universidad Carlos III
Scientific Committee
Carlos Ignacio Jaramillo
Decano Académico en Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)
Scientific Committee
Carmen Estevan de Quesada
Catedrática de Universidad, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee
Ernesto Calderón Burneo
Profesor principal en la Facultat de Derecho, Universidad de Piura (Perú)
Scientific Committee
Esperanza Gallego Sánchez
Catedrática de Universidad, Universidad de Alicante
Scientific Committee
Fernando Zunzunegui
Profesor de Derecho del mercado financiero, Universidad Carlos III
Scientific Committee
Francisco González Castilla
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad de València
Scientific Committee
Guillermo Palao Moreno
Catedrático de Derecho internacional privado, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee
Isabel Rodríguez Martínez
Catedrática de Derecho mercantil, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera
Scientific Committee
Jesús Olavarria Iglesia
Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee
Jorge Miquel Rodríguez
Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Scientific Committee
José Antonio García Cruces
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Scientific Committee
José Luis García Pita y Lastre
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad da Coruña
Scientific Committee
Juan Sánchez-Calero Guilarte
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Scientific Committee
Luis Mª Miranda Serrano
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad de Córdoba
Scientific Committee
Mª Dolores Más Badía
Profesora Titular de Universidad, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee
Mª José Morillas Jarillo
Catedrática de Universidad, Universidad Carlos III
Scientific Committee
Mª José Vaño Vaño
Profesora Titular de Universidad, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee
Mª Luisa Atienza Navarro
Profesora Titular de Universidad, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee
Mª Sandra Ramírez Bernal
Abogada (Bolivia)
Scientific Committee
Mª Victoria Petit Lavall
Catedrática de Universidad, Universidad Jaume I
Scientific Committee
Nuria Latorre Chiner
Catedrática de Universidad, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee
Pedro José Bueso Guillén
Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de Zaragoza
Scientific Committee
Roberto Ríos Ossa
Profesor de Derecho comercial, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Scientific Committee
Rutilio Antonio Díaz Martínez
Profesor de Derecho mercantil y bancario, Universidad de El Salvador
Scientific Committee
Santiago Hierro Anibarro
Catedrático de Universidad, Universidad de Alcalá
Scientific Committee
Sergio Ruy Barroso de Mello
Abogado (Brasil)
Scientific Committee
Susy Inés Bello Knol
Profesora de Derecho Privado, Universidad Austral (Argentina)
Scientific Committee
Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell
Profesora Titular de Universidad, Universidad Carlos III
Scientific Committee
Vicente Cuñat Edo
Catedrático de Universidad, Universitat de València
Scientific Committee

Information of interest

Centre Cultural La Nau (C/ de la Universitat 2, 46003, València)


The end of the discounted inscription period


The closing date for the reception of the title and the summary of Communications


The acceptance of Communications


The closing date for the reception of the full-texts of Communications and Presentations to be included in the book of the Congress


The cut-off point to request the return of 50% of the inscription fee


The closing date for inscriptions to the Congress

15 to 17.11.2023

The Congress shall be held from the 15th to the 17th of November 2023


Prices for attendance and online viewing

90 € until the 10/09/2023
140€ until the 11/09/2023
Ticket for dinner on Thursday 40€

In order to inscribe to the Congress, send the following form to

*The price includes a copy of the minutes of the Congress. The closing date to request the return of 50% of the inscription fee is 06/11/2023. Keynote speakers, those that present Communications and members of the Journal are exempt from payment.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us at the following address or send us a message via the form provided below.


Departament de Dret Mercantil “Manuel Broseta Pont”, Facultat de Dret, Universitat de València, Avd. Tarongers s/n, 46022, Valencia.


(+34) 961625221

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